Hitch on to our team for peace of mind retirement plan administration.

  • What is the Trust Factor?

    There are many facets to a defined contribution retirement plan and you need to be able to depend on a Third Party Administration firm that not only knows how they work and that can answer your questions on technical issues, but that also knows how to communicate those things to you in understandable terms. Integrity and attention to detail are embedded in our daily tasks so that our customers have the utmost confidence placing their retirement plan in our hands.

Why Choose Blue Chip Retirement Plans?

1. Independent Third Party Retirement Plan Administration Firm

We are an independent third party retirement plan administration firm (not affiliated with a CPA firm, bank or investment institution). Our unique delivery is what sets us apart from our competitors.

2. Our Approach

Our consultative approach takes the confusion out of plan administration duties and decision making, providing our clients with the technical expertise they need.

3. We Work Quickly

Our commitment to technology and quality permits us to process our clients’ work expeditiously and efficiently.

4. Complimentary Retirement Plan Analysis

401(k) and profit sharing plans can be rewarding for both the employer and employees when properly designed and administered. Throughout our 23+ years of experience, we have found no two plans are exactly alike. Whether you’re evaluating your current plan or looking to set up a new plan, our professional team of experts can provide a complementary, unbiased analysis of your retirement plan.


Coe Administrators LLC, a retirement plan...


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